I missed a couple of points during Wednesday’s exposition.

I forgot to say look at all the facts and use your own discernment. The Internet has gone overboard calling the CRiT board all kinds of things which I’m not going to repeat here. Whoever runs their social media accounts is probably going nutz trying to keep up with all the flak.

I’ve had my eye on this award ever since I became aware of it.

I think too many people are equating anti-Zionist with anti-Semitic. I’m pretty sure no one involved with the CRiT Awards would want to be associated with anti-Semitism. That doesn’t strike me as anything they would do, given the whole purpose of the CRiT Awards is to acknowledge creators from a diverse number of backgrounds: LGBTQIA, BIMPoC, disabled, Neurodivergent, etc.

Here’s a link to their criteria.

Again, all I can do is present what I’m seeing on social media and YouTube. Maybe I don’t have the best take. I could be all wrong about them. They may very well have backed out of Gen Con of their own volition because of safety concerns. After the massive social media blowup over the anti-Zionist business, I would have some safety concerns of my own for the CRiT team.

Disclaimer: Statements expressed in this article are strictly my opinion. If you disagree or have a different opinion, that’s okay. I’m not an expert on everything. I’m not always right. I’m just writing from my experience as I know it. Your mileage may vary.

I like the CRiT Awards for the most part.

Maybe I ain’t their cup of tea?

I kept hoping I would at least get nominated for an award, but I guess I’ll have to step up my blogging game if I want to get noticed for next year. (IF there’s a next year.) I have a feeling I might be getting overlooked on account of my demographics that include old, white, (presumed cishet,) and male. I’m about as small town Midwestern guy as you’re gonna get which I kinda don’t think is on their radar so to speak.

I voted on the CRiT Awards before all of the Internet debacle happened. I know a lot of the creators on the ballot via social media accounts and from various YouTube/Twitch videos. I think the awards are a great idea because we should be recognizing one another outside of the ENNIES and GAMA which doesn’t even touch most indie creators.

One last thing that was overlooked:

Ivy and the CRiT Awards board may ban or welcome anyone they wish. It’s their awards show. It’s their platform. They are not a professional organization. They are not owned by a major corporation. Anything they do or don’t do is strictly on them.

The same can be said about Gen Con. It’s their shindig. If they want to ban or permit whoever for whatever reason, that’s on them. They have a larger organization in charge of the convention, though. They have to be a little careful about who they reject, but they have lawyers for that sort of thing.

It is important to note that Gen Con has not made an official statement about the CRiT Awards as far as I can tell. Apparently what we’re getting is behind the scenes comments between the CRiT organizers and Gen Con. Certainly Gen Con wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt or start a riot during the award ceremony at their convention.

Go, or don’t go.

Gen Con tickets are getting pretty pricey. Events within the con are getting pricey, too. The CRiT Awards have at least offered to refund their event fee. Thank goodness. At least there’s that much.

If I had paid for my tickets, travel, lodging and set a budget for food and souvenirs at Gen Con, I’d still be going. Unless I’m on my death bed or my wife is literally blocking the door, I’m freakin going to Gen Con. Luckily I don’t have to worry about it this year because of family stuff, but any other year…

Travel to Indianapolis can be expensive. Hotel rooms and AirBnBs are hard to find that weekend. Convention tickets ain’t getting any cheaper. If you have to cancel the whole plan a month out of going? That’s gonna get pricey. But, sometimes principles are worth more than mere cash.

Will people boycotting The CRiT Awards or Gen Con, maybe both, have an impact? Sorry fam, but I doubt it. This isn’t the Great Dungeons & Dragons Open Game License Debacle of 2023 where we were all freaking out. It would take significant numbers to make a dent in anything, and I don’t see it happening yet. This would have to blow up way harder than it currently stands.

Rascal News did a piece here. It’s very worthwhile reading. Personally, I don’t 100% agree with the way they covered the story, but I’m sure they don’t care what I think, either. (*LOL!)

This is a classic case for use your own discretion.

The Israel/Palestine Conflict is a very complicated set of issues that won’t be decided here. At this point we just need to agree being pro-Israel is not necessarily pro-Jewish or pro-Zionism. I know it’s hard to digest for some. The same goes for being pro-Hamas (terrorism) is not the same as being Muslim or pro-Palestine. No one should be pro-genocide.

I want to say again that I am not a Zionist. I am neither pro-Israel nor pro-Palestine. I am all in favor of Israeli and Palestinian people who just want to live. Getting bombs and rockets dropped on your house, your place of business, and all of the ensuing casualties and calamity that follows just plain sucks. No one in their right minds wants to be subjected to that. As humans, let’s stand for peace, freedom from oppression, and life itself.

As TTRPG players and GMs, publishers, writers, editors, even journalists- it is not our job to decide who’s right and who’s wrong in this conflict. Ultimately it’s up to the people living in that region to choose peace with one another. I don’t think that’s coming any time soon. There’s nothing we’re going to be able to do to influence it from Gen Con or any other gaming venue.

The people who run Gen Con did what they thought was in the best interests of their convention. The people in charge of the CRiT Awards are doing the best they can with the mess they’ve got right now. They believed they were doing the right thing by standing firm on principles. Maybe silence is by and large the best way for both parties to handle this dispute as not to throw more gas on an already growing Internet bonfire. Honestly I don’t envy either position when it comes to the CRiT Awards and Gen Con.

I wish everyone involved love and peace. Maybe we can’t stop Israel and Hamas from killing one another, but we can actually achieve peace in the #ttrpgcommunity. We don’t have to agree on every single topic. Just casually mention the “ampersand game” in any given conversation on X (Twitter) and wait for the verbal kersplosion. We can endeavor to put this mess behind us all the best way we can and move onto other issues.

Love you all.

Follow your heart. Do what you think is best. I’m going back to discussing gaming tomorrow.

Thank you for being here today with me. I appreciate you. Please embrace the things that bring you the most joy.