This looks like a fun little challenge.

Full details can be found on HERE. Hosted by Unknown Dungeon. It started July 17th and the last submission is due on August 20th.

This year’s theme is Rumors and Secrets. I have to say I’m pretty excited about this. I’m really enjoying these game jam challenges so far. They inspire and encourage a great deal of creativity in the TTRPG community.

I truly wish I’d heard of, and gotten involved with this event sooner. It looks like a lot of fun. A few of these have gone by in the past and had a lot of entries. I’ll be working on one or two of my own this year.

It’s appropriate that this event started during #indiettrpgmonth. It doesn’t get much more independent than these games. I think this is more community involvement than we see from some of the “big names” in the TTRPG industry, in my opinion.

Please keep an eye out for #1pRPGjam for the next couple of months. The entries are already rolling in. Lots of good stuff.

Thanks for stopping by. Back tomorrow with more gaming goodies.