Five new Fire spells for use with Shadowdark RPG.

I’m working on my own version of the Pyromancer for an as-yet-untitled book compatible with Shadowdark RPG. (*Everyday I wish it was official, but alas…) I have a lot of spell ideas, especially for the lower tiers. Here are some of what I have planned:

Torch Lighter:
Tier 1, Pyromancer
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch.

With a loud clap of their hands, a Pyromancer can instantly ignite One torch, campfire, or similar combustible material regardless of how damp it is. Once ignited, the torch, campfire, etc will burn for the normal duration and give off the normal amount of light. The Pyromancer who lit the fire in this manner may completely extinguish it with a snap of their fingers.

Fire Dart:
Tier 1, Pyromancer
Duration: Instant
Range: Near.

The Pyromancer lets a dart made completely of fire loose from the palm of their hand striking one target for 1d4 fire damage plus possibly igniting combustibles.

Flame Volley:
Tier 2 Pyromancer
Duration: Instant
Range: Near (Cone)

The Pyromancer pulls a group of fire darts forth directly from the Elemental Plane of Fire and sends them hurling in a volley. All creatures in a cone that extends to near range in front of the caster DC 12 DEX or 2d4 Fire damage plus ignite combustibles. This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 for every two caster levels rounded down.

Meteor Strike
Tier 4 Pyromancer
Duration: Instant
Range: Far

A large green and blue ball of fire rockets down from the sky striking one target for 2d6 damage 1d6 to any creature Close plus igniting combustibles.

Gehenna Ball:
Tier 5 Pyromancer
Duration: Instant
Range Far. The Pyromancer launches a larger than normal fireball shaped like a skull that screams loudly all the way to the target. All creatures in a near sized cube around the target take 4d8 damage and ignites combustibles. Any creature hit with this blast also gives off an eerie dim light for 8 rounds after giving opponents an Advantage to hit during that time. The screaming from the skull remains audible for three rounds afterward, making hearing difficult.