These cute little Fey creatures come to us from AD&D First Edition.

It’s ironic that their name sounds so vicious and dangerous, yet they’re tiny and cute. I was reminded of these creatures after watching a YouTube video by Hannah aka Feywild Fiend. She mentioned the Fey god Caoimhin who is the patron of the Killmoulis.

Aside from being adorable, these creatures are generally benevolent. They apparently don’t like cats, rats, or dogs. We won’t get into what they do to the aforementioned animals. Otherwise the Killmoulis aren’t considered terribly violent.

Relationships with the big folk.

courtesy of Forgotten Realms Wiki.

Killmoulis can’t speak out loud. They communicate with one another through telepathy. They sometimes communicated with other sentient beings through pleasant feelings. They are prone to gossiping with one another.

In general, they prefer to stay out of sight from the big people. They do enjoy playing practical jokes, however, which fits in with many fey. Humor aside, they can be quite beneficial to anyone they should happen to befriend.

While many PC groups would probably want to adopt one or keep it as a pet, they are fey. They would not want to be away from other Killmoulis for long. They also tend to stay out of sight around anyone bigger than them.

My apologies for the lack of a stat block on this one. They don’t really do much of anything in combat and cast a couple of beneficial spells for friendly travelers. Their typical loot is a small collection of a few small trophies from big folk who did not get along with them.

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